What's under the hood?

    function getNumbers() {
        //access the webpage and get the values from the inputs
        let startValue = document.getElementById("startValue").value;
        let endValue = document.getElementById("endValue").value;
        //parseInt is used to convert a string number to a number number
        let newStart = parseInt(startValue);
        let newEnd = parseInt(endValue);
        //create a Boolean variable to check for an error state
        //we start with false so that it does not trigger
        let errorState = false;
        //create an empty string that will store any error messages generated
        let errorMsg = "";
        //make sure the user entered 2 numbers
        //isNaN is a built-in JS function that returns true if the variable is 'not a number'
        if (isNaN(newStart) || isNaN(newEnd)) {
            //change errorState to true
            errorState = true;
            //add a specific error message to the empty string
            errorMsg += "Please use numbers<hr/>";
        //make sure that the start value is less than the end value
        if (newStart > newEnd) {
            //change errorState to true
            errorState = true;
            //add a specific error message to the empty string
            errorMsg += "Start value must be less than end value<hr/>";
        //Set an upper and lower bound for the loops
        //This is an optional addition that improves the user experience
        if (newStart > 10000 || newStart < -10000 || newEnd > 10000 || newEnd < -10000) {
            //change errorState to true
            errorState = true;
            //add a specific error message to the empty string
            errorMsg += "-10,000 and 10,000 are the limit<hr/>";
        //if any of the error cases happened fire a SweetAlert and exit the function
        if (errorState) {
                'Something went wrong',
        //take the start and end values as the bounds for a 'for' loop
        //that will create an array and return it
        let numbers = generateNumbers(newStart, newEnd);
        //take the array that was returned and pass it to a function that will 
        //display it
    //Wrapper function/method - a function that calls other functions
    function generateNumbers(startValue, endValue) {
        let numbers = [];
        //loop over every number from startValue to endValue
        for (let index = startValue; index <= endValue; index++) {
        //send the array of numbers back to the wrapper function
        return numbers;
    //this function exists to display the results to the user
    function displayNumbers(numbers) {
        //create a string to hold a class name based on even or odd
        let className = "even";
        //create a string that will hold our output
        let templateRows = "";
        //go through each number in the array and determine if that number is even or odd
        //the '%' modulus operand returns the reaminder from division
        //ex. 3 % 2 = 1
        //ex. 100 % 5 = 0
        for (let index = 0; index < numbers.length; index++) {
            let number = numbers[index];
            if (number % 2 == 0) {
                className = "even";
            } else {
                className = "odd";
            //use string concatenation to create a long string of HTML to display
            templateRows = templateRows + `<tr><td class="${className}">${number}</td></tr>`;
        document.getElementById("output").innerHTML = templateRows;

The code is structured in three functions:

getValues accepts(gets) the user input from the page. It utilizes getElementById to pull the values from the page. It passes those values to the generateNumbers function, which returns an array of values and passes that array to the displayNumbers function.

generateNumbers takes in two parameters: startValue and endValue. We create a variable (numbers) that holds an array. A for loop is used to generate all of the numbers between startValue and endValue.

displayNumbers takes in one parameter: numberArray. The variable numbers is an array that holds the values between startValue and endValue. The className variable holds the name of a CSS class that targets all of the even-numbered digits and displays them in bold font. The variable templateRows holds the HTML that is written to the page.

A for loop is used to check all of the numbers to see if they are even or odd. The remainder operator (%) is used to see which of those digits are divisible by two. If the operator returns a value of zero, it determines that the number is even. If not (else), then the digit is identified as odd. The correct className is injected into the HTML row for display. Each interation of the loop adds to the templateRows variable. At the end of the loop the resulting HTML rows are written to the page.